July 15, 2014 Edition

Valerie Castro

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  1. Typhoon Glenda heads toward Bicol

    Typhoon Glenda (Rammasun), which packs maximum sustained winds of 120 km/h near the center and gustiness of up to 185 km/h, is expected to make landfall over the Albay-Sorsogon area Tuesday evening, July 15. State weather bureau PAGASA also alerted residents in coastal areas under Signal Nos 3 and 2 against possible storm surges. Moderate to intense rainfall (7.5-25 millimeters per hour) is expected within the typhoon’s 500-km diameter. It will likely be outside the Philippine area of responsibility by Thursday evening or Friday morning, July 17.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

  2. 21 towns warned against ‘Glenda’ storm surge

    At least 21 municipalities in the Bicol region, Quezon, and Samar were warned against a possible storm surge caused by Typhoon Glenda (Rammasun). The government’s Project NOAH or Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards said the highest predicted storm surge – 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) – could happen in Ragay, Camarines Sur. Other areas where the predicted surge above sea level is from 2.51 to 3 meters are Catbalogan, Gandara, and Sta Margarita in Samar; Del Callego in Camarines Sur; and Guinayangan in Quezon. Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) caused storm surges that went as high as 6 meters (19 feet).

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  3. Opposition senator says impeach threat is ‘worrisome’

     Malacañang file photo

    Minority Senator JV Ejercito, who has filed a resolution to investigate the controversial Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), warned of a constitutional crisis as a result of President Benigno Aquino III’s defiance of a Supreme Court ruling. “Clearly, the President threatened the Supreme Court members with impeachment…This is worrisome as the chief executive has a feeling of invincibility at this point,” Ejercito said. In defending the DAP, Aquino in his address to the nation said, “We do not want two equal branches of government to go head to head, needing a third branch to step in to intervene.”

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  4. Abad: Executive must risk appeal of DAP ruling

    A day after the President’s address to the nation on Monday, July 14, Budget Secretary Butch Abad said the Executive has to appeal the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Disbursement Acceleration Program because of its “very serious consequences.” Faced with a unanimous decision by the Court, the Executive will still push for a Motion for Reconsideration because, according to Abad, “We know the day-to-day details of running the government. We interpret the laws and they may not be aware of the nook and crannies of public administration.” Also taking the cudgels for the administration, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima warned about the “chilling effect” of the High Court’s decision.

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  5. Church of England OKs women bishops in vote

    The Church of England on Monday, July 14, voted to allow female bishops for the first time in its close to 500-year history. The Church is the mother church of the global Anglican Communion, which has about 80 million followers in over 165 countries. The vote came after intensive diplomacy by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, a former oil executive. The first women bishops could now be appointed before the year ends. British Prime Minister David Cameron on Twitter described the vote as “a great day for the Church and for equality.”

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  6. Respect SC, Aquino told

    File photo by Noli Yamsuan/Archdiocese of Manila, as posted on www.cbcpnews.com

    While acknowledging President Benigno Aquino’s “right to express himself” on the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP),  Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines president Socrates Villegas said on Monday, July 14, the Supreme Court decision must likewise be respected. “We must respect the Supreme Court. Where there was error, there must be humble admission and immediate rectification,” the Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop said. In a statement, Villegas said that “when the rule of law is compromised, the common good becomes its victim.”

    Read the full story on Rappler.

    The story on President Aquino’s address insisting on the legality of DAP is also on Rappler.

  7. COA questions High Court’s use of savings

    In a report released to the media over the weekend, the Commission on Audit questioned the Supreme Court’s (SC) declaration of savings amounting to P3.19 billion ($73.3 million) in 2012 even as obligations for that year were still unpaid. Allocations for the following year were instead used to pay 2012 obligations. At the time, Renato Corona was chief justice. In response to the audit findings, the High Court admitted it was not the first time it became creative with its budget. Various unpaid claims in 2011 were paid out in 2012 because endorsements for payment were transmitted late. The COA said the SC should properly monitor its use of funds in implementing programs and projects in its annual budget.

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  8. Anti-graft court asked to suspend Enrile from Senate

    Suspend Senator Juan Ponce Enrile from the Senate. This is what prosecutors asked the anti-graft court Sandiganbayan – to prevent the senator, who faces plunder and graft charges, from “intimidating or influencing witnesses or tampering [with] documentary evidence.” Enrile’s suspension would also “avoid further malfeasance while [he is] in office.” Similar motions covering Senators Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr and Jinggoy Estrada, both accused of plunder, were filed by prosecutors. These have not been decided on by the court.

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  9. Prioritize farmers, fisherfolk – Pangilinan

    If the Philippines is to reach “developed nation status” in the next 10-15 years, it must address income and growth in the agriculture sector, Secretary Francis Pangilinan, Presidential Assistant on Food Security and Agricultural Modernization said. Speaking before an international forum, he said, “We must put farmers, fisherfolk and agriculture communities first.” They comprise about 60% of the country’s labor force. Yet the average Filipino farmer makes roughly P23,000 ($529) a year only and owns 1.5 hectares of land. In contrast, the Chinese farmer earns $967 a year, while the average Thai farmer earns $1,370.

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  10. Argentina squad comes home to warm welcome

    After its painful World Cup defeat to Germany, the Argentine squad led by Lionel Messi went home to a warm welcome on Monday, July 14. The team had forced Germany into extra time before losing 1-0 at Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana Stadium on July 13. Messi told a reception with President Cristina Kirchner, “I would have liked to have brought home the Cup and enjoyed it with you…We gave everything we had but we just didn’t manage it.” Had it won, the two-time champion Argentina would have captured its first World Cup title since 1986. Still, the team made its first World Cup final since 1990.

    Read the full story on Rappler.

    A related story on Brazil’s firing of its national football coach is also on Rappler.

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