
A giant 3D cat on Tokyo billboard dazzles passersby


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A giant 3D cat on Tokyo billboard dazzles passersby

A virtual cat prowls in front of Shinjuku train station.

A gigantic cat on a LED screen cheers people up in the busiest areas of Tokyo

A gigantic billboard in one of Tokyo’s busiest areas featuring a 3D cat that appears perched on a ledge is attracting people to take out their smartphones and snap an Instagram-worthy photo or video.

A giant 3D cat on Tokyo billboard dazzles passersby

The realistic-looking cat in 4K resolution appears between advertisements on a 154.7 square meter LED screen on top of a building in front of Shinjuku train station, meowing at people walking by.

The billboard was organized by local businesses who wanted to create a mascot in Shinjuku to cheer people up, as Tokyo continues to battle the coronavirus. Tokyo recorded 920 new cases on Wednesday, July 7, the highest since May 13.

“We all felt warmth the moment the cat appeared on screen. Seeing the cute appearance made us relax,” said one passerby.

Due to the quasi state of emergency imposed in Tokyo, the cat can only be seen between 7 am (2200GMT) and 8 pm (1100GMT), according to an official at billboard management company Yunika. –

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