North Korea

North Korea says interference in its satellites would be declaration of war


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North Korea says interference in its satellites would be declaration of war

SPY SATELLITE. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un looks on as a rocket carrying a spy satellite Malligyong-1 is launched, as North Korean government claims, in a location given as North Gyeongsang Province, North Korea in this handout picture obtained by Reuters on November 21, 2023.


North Korea's foreign ministry says it will take countermeasures against individuals and organizations of the US and 'its vassal forces' that impose and enforce sanctions against North Korea

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea said on Saturday, December 2, it would consider any interference with its satellite operations a declaration of war and would mobilize its war deterrence if any attack against its strategic assets were imminent.

Pyongyang would respond to any United States interference in space by eliminating the viability of US spy satellites, state media KCNA reported, citing a statement from North Korea’s defense ministry spokesperson.

“In case the US tries to violate the legitimate territory of a sovereign state by weaponizing the latest technologies illegally and unjustly, the DPRK will consider taking responsive action measures for self-defense to undermine or destroy the viability of the US spy satellites,” the statement said.

DPRK are the initials of the North’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

North Korea says it successfully launched its first military spy satellite on November 21, transmitting photos of military installations in the US mainland, Japan, and the US territory of Guam.

A US Space Command spokesman, asked if Washington had the capability to interrupt the North Korean satellite’s reconnaissance operations, said the US was could deny an adversary’s space capabilities using a variety of means, according to US broadcaster RFA.

In a statement issued later on Saturday, North Korea’s foreign ministry said it will take countermeasures against individuals and organizations of the US and “its vassal forces” that impose and enforce sanctions against North Korea, adding that US sanctions violate international law.

The United States on Thursday targeted North Korea with fresh sanctions after the launch, designating foreign-based agents it accused of facilitating sanctions evasion to gather revenue and technology for its weapons of mass destruction program.

South Korea on Friday blacklisted 11 North Koreans for involvement in the country’s satellite and ballistic missile development, banning them from financial transactions.

North Korean state media issued a commentary by a North Korean international relations analyst, who argued “the United States, the world’s biggest satellite possessor,” should face the United Nations Security Council if sending satellites is considered a crime.

“In case an unexpected clash happens in the Northeast Asian region around the Korean peninsula, the US, which has continuously put pressure on the security space of the DPRK by escalating military threat and blackmail, will be held wholly accountable for the catastrophic situation,” the commentary said. It also blamed the United States for joint military exercises with Japan and South Korea, as well as for displaying its nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. —

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