Israel-Palestine conflict

Infographic: Global demonstrations in response to the Israel-Palestine conflict

Timothy Lay, Ciro Murillo

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Infographic: Global demonstrations in response to the Israel-Palestine conflict

PROTEST. Children lie on the street in a flashmob to symbolize children dying in Gaza during a pro-Palestinian protest in Aarhus, Denmark November 8, 2023

Ritzau Scanpix/Bo Amstrup via Reuters

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project maps out demonstrations in response to the Israel-Palestine conflict
As published byACLED

The Hamas attack on southern Israel and subsequent Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have triggered a wave of protests and rallies around the world. During the first three weeks of the current round of hostilities, ACLED records approximately 4,200 demonstration events related to the conflict in almost 100 countries and territories, accounting for 38% of all demonstration events reported globally.

Right-click this infographic and open it in a new tab for an enlarged version.


This infographic was republished with permission from ACLED, the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project.

Graphic design by Christina De Paris.

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