Pope Francis

Pope’s condition improving but will stay indoors to be on safe side — Vatican


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Pope’s condition improving but will stay indoors to be on safe side — Vatican

HOLY FATHER. Pope Francis meets committee and foundation members of Lisbon 2023 World Youth Day, in Paul VI hall at the Vatican, November 30, 2023.

Vatican Media/Simone Risoluti/­Handout via REUTERS

A Vatican statement says the 86-year-old pontiff has no fever and continues anti-biotic treatment

VATICAN CITY — The health of Pope Francis, who is suffering from a lung inflammation, is improving but he will read his Sunday message indoors from his residence to be on the safe side, the Vatican said on Saturday, December 2.

A statement said the 86-year-old pontiff had no fever and was continuing anti-biotic treatment.

He normally reads the message from a window of the Apostolic Palace overlooking Saint Peter’s Square. He would read it indoors to “avoid exposing himself to temperature changes,” the statement said.

Francis was forced to skip a planned trip to Dubai to made an address to the UN climate summit. The Vatican’s number two, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, read it on his behalf. — Rappler.com

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