Israel-Palestine conflict

Mossad team in Qatar to discuss restarting Gaza truce


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Mossad team in Qatar to discuss restarting Gaza truce

POSITIONED TANK. An Israeli tank is positioned near Israel's border with Lebanon, northern Israel, October 9, 2023.

Ammar Awad/Reuters

The talks focus on the potential release of new categories of Israeli hostages other than women and children, which a source said differed to the truce agreement that recently collapsed

A team from Israel’s Mossad intelligence services was in Doha, Qatar on Saturday, December 2, for talks with Qatari mediators for another pause in fighting in Gaza, a source briefed on the visit said.

The Qatar-mediated talks focused on the potential release of new categories of Israeli hostages other than women and children and the parameters of a truce, which a source says differed to the truce agreement that collapsed on Friday.

Israel and Hamas have been considering new parameters for the release of hostages and the truce since before it collapsed.

The truce which began on November 24 saw Hamas release Israeli women and children taken hostage on October 7 in exchange for the release of Palestinians, including women, held in Israeli prisons.

Israel and Hamas have traded blame over the collapse of the truce, which lasted a week and was extended twice before mediators were unable to find a way for a third extension.

Israel accused Hamas of refusing to release all the women it held. A Palestinian official said the breakdown occurred over female Israeli soldiers. —

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