Iran-Israel conflict

Israel sent messages to Tehran to avoid Iranian response to embassy attack – agency


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Israel sent messages to Tehran to avoid Iranian response to embassy attack – agency

Palestinians sit at their house which was destroyed in an Israeli strike in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 29, 2024.

REUTERS/Mohammed Salem

'Israel sent messages through Egypt's foreign minister that it will compromise in the war in Gaza to avoid Iran's retaliation'

DUBAI, UAE – Israel sent messages to Tehran via Egypt that it would “compromise” in Gaza to avert an Iranian response to an attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria, the Tasnim news agency reported.

The Iranian news agency’s report cited the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Aerospace Force.

Iran launched explosive drones and fired missiles at Israel in April in its first direct attack on Israeli territory, a retaliatory strike for what it said was an Israeli strike on its Damascus consulate, in which seven officers of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed.

“Israel sent messages through Egypt’s foreign minister that it will compromise in the war in Gaza to avoid Iran’s retaliation”, Amirali Hajizadeh said. –

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