US elections

Netanyahu congratulates Biden, ‘a great friend of Israel’

Agence France-Presse

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Netanyahu congratulates Biden, ‘a great friend of Israel’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a statement in Ramat Gan, near the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv, on September 10, 2019. - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a deeply controversial pledge on September 10 to annex the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank if re-elected in September 17 polls. He also reiterated his intention to annex Israeli settlements throughout the West Bank if re-elected, though in coordination with US President Donald Trump, whose long-awaited peace plan is expected to be unveiled sometime after the vote. (Photo by Menahem KAHANA / AFP)


'I look forward to working with both of you to further strengthen the special alliance between the US and Israel,' Netanyahu adds

Israel Prime Minister and close Donald Trump ally Benjamin Netanyahu congratulated Joe Biden on his election victory early Sunday, November 8, calling the United States president-elect “a great friend of Israel.”

“I look forward to working with both of you to further strengthen the special alliance between the US and Israel,” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter, referring to Biden and running mate Kamala Harris.

Netanyahu, whose Twitter account features a picture of himself seated next to Trump, said he and Biden had “a long and warm personal relationship for nearly 40 years, and I know you as a great friend of Israel.”

The Israeli premier had described Trump as his country’s strongest-ever ally in the White House, and the Republican advanced policies that delighted the Israeli prime minister’s right-wing base. 

Trump unilaterally pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal – an agreement between Tehran and world powers loathed by Netanyahu – and recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” capital.

He also endorsed Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights – which was seized from Syria – and avoided criticizing Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. –

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