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WATCH: Weird mime act ‘Tape Face’ gets standing ovation on ‘America’s Got Talent’

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WATCH: Weird mime act ‘Tape Face’ gets standing ovation on ‘America’s Got Talent’
'Tape Face' draws laughter from the audience and even the notoriously acerbic Simon Cowell – and gets a standing ovation

MANILA, Philippines – A mime can say a thousand words without uttering a single syllable with his mouth, and this one on America’s Got Talent has got his taped shut. Now, he’s got everyone talking.

His eyes are wide open and heavily made up with eye liner, and it unsettles a lady in the audience even before his performance starts. “I’m a little afraid now. I don’t know what’s gonna happen,” she is caught on cam saying.

Then, he takes out kitchen mitts out of a satchel and Lionel Richie and Diana Ross’ song, “Endless Love,” plays. He uses the mitts to lip sync the words of the duet, and everyone in the audience bursts into laughter. Even the notoriously acerbic Simon Cowell is smiling. 

His eyes express annoyance at the duet, and it’s comedy gold.

It gets more bizarre and hilarious when he slips on half of a red dress with Chris de Burgh’s “Lady in Red” playing. He dances and caresses himself, and no matter how strange his performance is, judge Howie Mandel exclaims, “That is brilliant!”

How about you? What do you think of Tape Face’s performance? Let us know in the comments! –

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