
Last call: Applications for 2023 French government scholarships for Filipinos

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Last call: Applications for 2023 French government scholarships for Filipinos
PRESS RELEASE: Submit applications no later than May 12, 2023, at 12 noon. France offers a wide range of specializations in line with priority sectors of the Philippines.

This is a press release from the Embassy of France to the Philippines.

The Embassy of France to the Philippines and Campus France Philippines are receiving applications for a French government scholarship program for the academic year 2023-2024.

PhilFrance Master Program

The PhilFrance Master is awarded to highly-qualified candidates who have demonstrated strong academic and leadership qualities in their scholarly and professional activities, and who intend to pursue a master’s degree taught at French higher education institutions (public or private) in all academic disciplines.

Awardees will be granted the status of boursier du gouvernement français (French government scholar), and will be given the following benefits:

  • Tuition subsidy
  • One round trip ticket from Manila to France
  • Exemption from visa application fees
  • Monthly living allowance covering the duration of their studies
  • Health care package
  • Priority access to public student accommodations.

Details and guidelines on eligibility, benefits, requirements, the application calendar, and the evaluation guidelines for scholarship programs are available through the PhilFrance Scholarships website at This website also contains useful information for applicants to learn more about higher education institutions and graduate programs offered in France.

Interested candidates must submit their applications through the PhilFrance Scholarships site no later than May 12, 2023, at 12 noon.

Since 2016, the PhilFrance Scholarship Program has funded the studies of over 65 Filipinos who have been able to pursue their graduate degrees in French language and literature, business, public policy and international development, engineering, mathematics, marine biology, applied chemistry, environmental and ecological sciences, physics, computer science, and public health in several of France’s most prestigious higher education institutions, such as Aix-Marseille Université, École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP), École Polytechnique, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Toulouse, Sciences Po, Université Paris-Saclay, among others.

Why study in France?

France is an attractive destination for studying abroad due to its rich culture and history, while also being a modern, innovative, and sustainable country. The quality of its higher education system is recognized worldwide, as seen in the high number of internationally-ranked institutions and in being one of the world’s most research-intensive nations. Each year, over 325,000 international students choose to study in France, making it the fourth most attractive destination for inbound students, according to UNESCO.

Fluency in French is an advantage, but it is not a requirement to study in France. An increasing number of prestigious higher education institutions offer programs taught in English while also providing French language courses for international students.

State subsidies allow a more reasonable cost of living for international students in France compared to other destinations. France provides free and mandatory social security coverage to students of all nationalities who are enrolled at French higher education institutions. This means that up to 70% of their health care expenses are covered by the State, and that they can be vaccinated against COVID-19 with an EMA-recognized vaccine.

France also offers a wide range of specializations in line with priority sectors of the Philippines. These include academic and research programs in the STEM fields (sciences, technology, engineering, math), sustainable development, disaster risk reduction and mitigation, as well as social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Through information sessions, participation in education fairs, and personalized consultations, the Campus France Manila office brings French higher education closer to Filipinos and helps prospective students make a more informed decision about their academic plans. For more information, please visit –

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