
Cleaning as love language

Marj Casal Handog

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Cleaning as love language
How do I love thee? Let me count cleaning as one of the ways.

Editor’s note: This content is sponsored by Domex and was produced by BrandRap, the sales and marketing arm of Rappler. No member of the news and editorial team participated in the publishing of this piece.

There are five main love languages: receiving gifts, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical touch. But some people like to be more specific: some would say their love language is cooking meals for their friends and loved ones while others would say it’s cleaning up after them.

This might sound less romantic than the usual love languages but there are moments in life when this way of showing love will count the most. 

Take Saab, for instance. She lives away from her elderly parents. Whenever they go out of town, Saab takes care of their house for them. She would look after their pets, declutter the place, and do a deep-clean of the house right before they come back home. This way, her parents are welcomed with a clean and relaxing environment after their tiring trip.

This is something that Diana also loves doing. She lives with her boyfriend who often has to travel for work. She knows how exhausted he gets after such work trips, so to alleviate some of the stress, she makes sure to clean the whole apartment before he walks in the door. She says that a neat and tidy place is sure to make him feel relaxed.

For Julian, though, cleaning his space is a sign of self-love. Whenever he feels out of sorts, he turns to cleaning and decluttering to clear his head. Getting into the rhythm of organizing, wiping, mopping, and vacuuming helps get him in a therapeutic state. Once he’s done, he’s in a better mood and in a cleaner environment, too.

As someone who also considers cleaning as a love language – I remember banding together with my cousins when we were just teenagers to deep-clean our grandma’s dirty kitchen to apologize for breaking her windows (oops) – people should know that it’s not just about showing up to clean, it’s about the quality of the cleaning, too.

It’s not enough that I declutter or sweep the floor with a broom, I need to dust off the shelves and each of the displays, too. I need to vacuum every nook and cranny, and mop the floor twice, too. 

When I clean the toilet, I don’t just splash the toilet bowl with water. I need to use Domex. I would pour Domex Ultra Thick Bleach all over the lid, the seat, and under the rim. I would brush it thoroughly before finally rinsing with water. I also wouldn’t just clean the toilet bowl. I’ll scrub the walls and floor, too, pouring diluted Domex all over, especially the grout in between the tiles so they can look good as new after. 

When cleaning is your love language, it’s not just about how the place looks, it’s also about making sure that beyond the clean surfaces, the harmful, invisible germs are also being removed. And that would only be possible if we’re using the right cleaning products like Domex Ultra Thick Bleach. It kills 99.9% germs, disinfects surfaces, and eliminates odors based on lab tests on representative germs.

So, the next time you want to show your love for someone, how about volunteering to help deep-clean their place for a change? They would surely appreciate it. – Rappler.com

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Domex (known in many countries as Domestos) is a powerful, quick-acting bleach. The brand was launched in the UK in the 1920s. At that time, it was used in the home as a solution to whiten cotton and household surfaces. The sheer power of Domex bleach gives you the confidence you need, eradicating all known germs. With Domex, you can be absolutely certain that the job is done.