
‘Walang Biro sa Banyuhay’ thesis production all set for May 11-12

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‘Walang Biro sa Banyuhay’ thesis production all set for May 11-12

Walang Biro sa Banyuhay production

PRESS RELEASE: 'Walang Buhay sa Banyuhay' thesis production, which touches on Filipino family culture, is adapted from Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'

The following is a press release from Walang Biro sa Banyuhay production.

Grenda Salangsang was once a call center agent and the family’s breadwinner until she grew more legs than what we expect of humans. Grenda, who was once a daughter, became an insect. 

How did it happen? Until when will her and her family run away from the reality that slowly eats away the life they once knew?

Walang Biro sa Banyuhay is a thesis collaboration between UP Dulaang Laboratoryo and Ateneo Fine Arts. The creative thesis production features technical theater and design majors Rio Fermo and Daphene Giga, and performance majors Pia Ysobel Cruz, Max Aragon, and Juan Miguel Gasgonia. Also featured as a cast member is Shof Galagate, a UP theater arts student.

Missy Maramara and Raflesia Bravo’s direction, with Imuthis’ imagination through his adaptation of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, creates a new yet familiar world that touches on Filipino family culture but remains true to the isolation and alienation that we once felt from Kafka’s piece. 

Are you ready to witness a human’s metamorphosis? 

Join us on May 11, at 7 pm, and May 12, at 3 pm and 7 pm at Teatro Hermogenes Ylagan (THY), Pavilion III, Palma Hall, University of the Philippines, Diliman.

Admission is free.

Click here to reserve slots. –

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