Book Fairs

LOOK: Big Bad Wolf book sale opens at PARQAL Mall, Aseana City

Patty Bufi

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LOOK: Big Bad Wolf book sale opens at PARQAL Mall, Aseana City

DIFFERENT GENRES. The sections are categorized by genre.

Patty Bufi/Rappler

What are your budol book buys this year? Don't miss the book fair's 10-day run happening until June 2, from 10 am to 12 midnight daily!

MANILA, Philippines – Heads up, bibliophiles! The much-awaited Big Bad Wolf Book Sale is now open to the public starting Friday, May 24, until June 2, from 10 am to 12 midnight daily, at its new location in PARQAL Mall, Aseana City.

BBW 2024. The fair spans two buildings. Photo by Patty Bufi/Rappler

This year, the massive book fair offers free admission to bookworms of all ages. Guests can expect a diverse range of genres at affordable prices during the 10-day event. Titles are marked with letters corresponding to different price ranges, allowing readers to find new books within their budget.

BUDGET-FRIENDLY. BBW’s book prices are discounted. Photo by Patty Bufi/Rappler
MERCHANDISE. Locally made stickers and pins are available for purchase. Photo by Patty Bufi/Rappler

The book selection spans two buildings, with rows of books categorized according to genre. There is also merchandise for sale, like stickers, pins, magnets, and bookmarks, as well as food and beverage concessionaires and a few dining tables.

SHOPPING BREAK. Guests can buy food and drinks after their shopping experience. Photo by Patty Bufi/Rappler

There’s also a dedicated play area for young kids to hang out in. There are sofas, too, for resting guests.

REST AREA. Kids can play at the designated area, while parents can sit down and take a break. Photo by Patty Bufi/Rappler

The checkout process seems efficient, with numerous cashiers stationed around the area. My pro tip: Head straight to the cashiers at the far-end corners to bypass the longer queues in the middle sections, especially if you only have a few books to buy.

FOR ALL AGES. BBW’s selection spans from children’s literature to self-help and more. Photo by Patty Bufi/Rappler

BBW recently held separate runs in Angeles City, Pampanga, and in SM Seaside City in Cebu last April and May.

Last year’s BBW sale was held at the PICC Forum Tent in Pasay three years after being held online due to the pandemic.

Big Bad Wolf Books, or The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale (BBW Books), is a renowned Malaysian book fair present in Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and the UAE. The fair was created by BookXcess founders Andrew Yap and Jacqueline Ng, with its inaugural sale held in 2009 in Malaysia. –

Patty Bufi is a Rappler intern.

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