2022 Philippine Elections

Webinar tackles women’s issues in political participation


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Webinar tackles women’s issues in political participation
This symposium 'Who Run the World? Girls!' aims to discuss the factors holding women back when it comes to political leadership and participation

The common preference for “strong” and “rational” male leaders over “supportive” and “empathic” female leaders places women at a disadvantage since they are seen as “too emotional” and “irrational” for leadership positions.

However, these traits are not mutually exclusive along gender lines – women can be headstrong and decisive in the same way that men can be empathetic and nurturing.

The currently low participation and representation of women in politics, caused by systemic barriers rooted in sexism, only perpetuates the notion of a male-dominated world.

UP Socius, a student organization from the University of the Philippines-Los Baños, intends to highlight the topic of Filipino women in politics by focusing not only on female leaders running in the upcoming elections but also on the experiences of Filipino women leaders in daily socio-political life.

This symposium entitled “Who Run the World? Girls!” aims to discuss the factors holding women back when it comes to political leadership and participation as well as to shine a spotlight on everyday Filipino women and their experiences of leadership at home, at work, and in the community.

Speaking during the webinar is Dr. Nathalie Africa-Verceles, director of the University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies and an associate professor of the Department of Women and Development Studies in UP Diliman. She is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Likhaan Center for Women’s Health, an organization focused on promoting the health and rights of women from marginalized communities.

Another resource person is Angela Encomienda, the current National Youth Convenor of YouthVote Philippines. Currently a senior finishing AB Sociology at the Ateneo de Manila University, she is the founder of The Initiative Philippines and a recent graduate of the Future Bridging Leaders Program Fellow of the Asian Institute of Management.

“Who Run The World? Girls!” will be held on April 30 at 12 pm via Zoom. You may register here. –Rappler.com

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