Filipino celebrities

‘Bittersweet’: Robi Domingo reveals that his grandmother passed on his wedding day

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‘Bittersweet’: Robi Domingo reveals that his grandmother passed on his wedding day

'BITTERSWEET.' Robi Domingo reveals his grandmother passed away on the morning of his wedding.

Robi Domingo's Instagram

Domingo explains that his family chose not to immediately inform him of his grandmother's death so he and Pineda could focus on their 'magical day'

MANILA, Philippines – Robi Domingo revealed in an Instagram post on Tuesday, January 9, that his grandmother had passed away on the morning of his wedding on January 6.

Domingo shared an old photo of himself with his grandmother, and one where he and his now-wife Maiqui Pineda are praying over his grandmother’s casket at her wake.

“Bittersweet. January 6 was the happiest day of my life. My heart was filled with immense gratitude – from preps in the morning, to the ceremony, to the reception which lasted until dawn,” he wrote.

Domingo explained that his family chose not to immediately inform him of his grandmother’s death so he and Pineda could focus on their “magical day.”

“As I was about to leave the place, my mom was sobbing as she tried to tell me that my Lola passed away that same morning,” Domingo continued.

Domingo added that his grandmother, who he would call “Ina,” took care of him when he was a child.

The actor-host also left a comment under his own post saying that he and Pineda had intended to thank everyone at their wedding, but were unable to do so as they were busy the past few days.

“Our hearts are happy, but we apologize for the delay. We’ll just take a breather from all the happenings,” Domingo said.

Domingo and Pineda tied the knot on January 6 at the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of San Isidro Labrador in Pulilan, Bulacan. The couple got engaged in November 2022 after almost four years of dating. –

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