
Zack Snyder to direct Netflix sci-fi film ‘Rebel Moon’

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Zack Snyder to direct Netflix sci-fi film ‘Rebel Moon’


Production for Snyder's new Netflix film is expected to start in 2022

Army of the Dead director Zack Snyder is back for another Netflix film titled Rebel Moon, both Deadline and The Hollywood Reporter reported.

The upcoming sci-fi adventure film is set in a peaceful outer space colony that suddenly becomes threatened by the armies of a tyrannical regent named Balisarius. A mysterious young woman seeks to find different warriors from neighboring planets to help the colony take a stand against the force.

Snyder co-wrote the film alongside fellow Army of the Dead screenwriter Shay Hatten and 300 screenwriter Kurt Johnstad.

Among the producers for the film are Wesley Coller, Zack Snyder, Deborah Snyder, and Eric Newman. Sarah Bowen serves as an executive producer.

“It’s my love of sci-fi and a giant adventure. My hope is that this also becomes a massive IP and a universe that can be built out,” Snyder told The Hollywood Reporter. He also cited Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa and Star Wars as the inspirations for the film.

Rebel Moon originated as a Star Wars concept, with Snyder pitching the idea to Lucasfilm. Snyder then reworked the idea into an original film.

Zack Snyder’s recent works include Army of the Dead and Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The release date of Rebel Moon is yet to be announced, but production is expected to start in 2022. – with reports by Angelica Burlaza/

Angelica Burlaza is a Rappler intern.

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