religious groups in the Philippines

Episcopal Church in the Philippines elects Poltic as next prime bishop

Mia Magdalena Fokno

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Episcopal Church in the Philippines elects Poltic as next prime bishop

EPISCOPAL CHURCH LEADERS. The Right Reverend Nestor Poltic, elected the the next prime bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines, strikes a pose with the Right Reverend Anthony Poggo, secretary general of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, and his predecessor, The Most Reverend Brent Alawas.

courtesy of Anglican Communion

The Right Reverend Nestor Poltic's election coincides with a visit from Bishop Anthony Poggo, secretary general of the Worldwide Anglican Communion

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – The Provincial Synod of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines announced on Thursday, May 16, the election of The Right Reverend Nestor Poltic from the Diocese of North Central Philippines as the religious group’s next prime bishop. 

The official announcement was made by Bishop Anthony Poggo, the secretary general of the Worldwide Anglican Communion.

Poltic succeeds The Most Reverend Brent Alawas, with the official installation yet to be scheduled.

Poltic’s election on Tuesday, May 14, at the Cathedral of Saint Mary and Saint John on E. Rodriguez, Quezon City, during the 12th Episcopal Church Synod, coincided with a visit from Bishop Anthony Poggo, who spent a week with local bishops. 

Poggo expressed his gratitude for the tenure of Bishop Brent, noting his significant contributions both as the chair of the Council of Churches of East Asia and as a member of the Primates’ Meeting in Rome. 

“I pray for Bishop Nestor as he prepares for this next phase of his ministry and Bishop Brent as he assists in this transition. May the Anglican/Episcopal churches and communities of the Philippines know God’s blessings,” said Poggo.

The Regional Ecumenical Council in the Cordillera (RECCORD), a fellowship of Christian Churches in the Cordillera region, extended its congratulations to Bishop Poltic.

“We join the ecumenical movement in congratulating the newly elected Prime Bishop and look forward to continuing our partnership and collaboration in various church advocacies and campaigns that affect the lives of our people,” read RECCORD’s statement on their Facebook page on Thursday.

The group said it was anticipating the new prime bishop’s support in defending the rights of indigenous peoples, promoting ecological and social justice, and pursuing a just and lasting peace in the country. –

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