Philippine history

PHLPost launches ‘Dogs in Philippine History Special Stamps’

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PHLPost launches ‘Dogs in Philippine History Special Stamps’

PAW-SOME! The Philippine Postal Corporation launches the 'Dogs in Philippine History Special Stamps' collection on Tuesday, November 14.

PHLPost's Facebook page

The collection includes eight stamps featuring nine iconic dogs from various parts of the Philippines across different eras

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) launched the “Dogs in Philippine History Special Stamps” collection on Tuesday, November 14, in celebration of its 256th anniversary and National Stamp Collecting Month at the Music Hall at SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City.

The collection includes eight stamps featuring nine dogs from various parts of the Philippines across different eras:

  • Usman, Jose Rizal’s dog in Calamba, Laguna
  • Saver, an intelligent Aspin who starred in multiple films and TV shows from the 1990s to the 2000s
  • Moltke and Bravo, Marcelo H. Del Pilar’s Dalmatians
  • Tigre, Pampanga Revolutionary Governor Tiburcio Hilario’s dog
  • Castelar, the stray Aspin that American solider William Baker adopted
  • Torpe, Don Tranquilo Ruiz’s white Aspin who was included a 1964 monument in Glan, Sarangani on the municipality’s history
  • Smoky, a female Yorkshire Terrier dubbed as the hero of Lingayen, Pangasinan during World War II
  • Kabang, a rescued Aspin-German Shepherd who reportedly saved two children in Zamboanga City

The stamps were inspired by the book Dogs in Philippine History by Ian Christopher B. Alfonso.

While the stamps will only be available for purchase until Wednesday, November 15 at 4 pm at the Music Hall of SM Mall of Asia, PHLPost branches will begin selling it “soon,” according to a post by the Dogs in Philippine History’s official Facebook page.

On November 13, alongside “Dogs in Philippine History Special Stamps,” PHLPost also launched “Stamp on Stamps,” which features the Manila Central Post Office from its establishment in 1926 to before it was destroyed in a fire in May.

In addition, the “National Children’s Month Stamps” were also launched earlier today to shed light on the needs of children in the aspects of mental health, physical health, education, and their overall well-being.

“As we increasingly communicate by email, people should not forget that there is something special that we sometimes take for granted – these delightful pieces of miniature artwork that reflects our Filipino history and heritage,” Postmaster General Luis Carlos said in a PHLPost press release.

The three-day stamp exhibit was also held from November 13 to 15. –

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