Filipino food

Manam adds new sizzling crispy sinigang, squid sisig to menu

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Manam adds new sizzling crispy sinigang, squid sisig to menu
These Filipino favorites with a twist are available for a limited time only

The Moment Group’s Filipino restaurant Manam Comfort Filipino has added 3 new dishes to their menu: house squid sisig, sizzling crispy sinigang, and the tofu sisig.

Manam’s new squid sisig has bits of fried crispy squid mixed in with their signature tangy, creamy sauce, as well as green chilis and kamias for extra acidity and spice. It costs P190 for the small, P330 for the medium, and P498 for the large size.

Manam’s sizzling crispy sinigang features fried chunks of crispy pork kawali in a sour sinigang gravy, topped with cherry tomatoes, radish, sitaw, and kang kong. It’s available in small (P300), medium (P550), and large (P905) size.

Manam also offers a new choco-nut shake (P170), an icy blend of vanilla, chocolate, and nuts, topped with whipped cream and crushed choco bits.

These items are available for a limited time only, and can be bought via Manam’s website, hotline numbers, GrabFood, and foodpanda. – Steph Arnaldo/

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