coffee drinks

McDonald’s Philippines offers new butter caramel coffee series

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McDonald’s Philippines offers new butter caramel coffee series

Photo from McDonald's Facebook page

You can get McDonald's new butter caramel coffee drinks in either iced or hot form

McDonald’s has introduced a new flavor – the butter caramel – to their line of iced and hot coffee drinks, available starting February 27.

The fast-food chain now offers an iced coffee butter caramel (P69), iced coffee milky with butter caramel (P79), and iced coffee black with butter caramel (P69). McCafe also offers butter caramel iced latte, cafe latte, and cappuccino in select stores nationwide.

McDonald’s new coffee drinks are available for dine-in, take-out, and delivery via the McDelivery app, website, or their hotline number (8888-6236). –

Get the new butter caramel coffee drinks now with this foodpanda voucher. 

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