Idol: Jessica vs Phillip


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On Wednesday morning Manila time, Jessica Sanchez faces off with Phillip Phillips on the season finale of American Idol.  It’s the first time a contestant with Filipino roots has made it this far pushing Rappler to put together the top 10 Filipino moments from American Idol.  Over the weekend, there were reports Phillips may need immediate surgery, but with less than 24 hours to go, the showdown continues.  Rappler did an online survey of influence of the two contestants and prepared two reports which show their reach.  Since the Philippines is called “the social media capital of the world” since 2010 by ComScore, Filipinos may give Sanchez an on-line edge.  The jury’s out though on whether online influence will translate to real-world votes, very much influenced by their actual performances.

Read & watch the memorable Filipino moments and read the social media rankings – all on Rappler.

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