2022 Philippine Elections

Escudero, Legarda confirm Senate comeback bid

Mara Cepeda

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Escudero, Legarda confirm Senate comeback bid

Pictured here are Sorsogon Governor Chiz Escudero and Antique Representative Loren Legarda, both former senators.

Angie de Silva/Rappler/Poe-Escudero Media Bureau

Sorsogon Governor Chiz Escudero and Antique congresswoman Loren Legarda are joining the 2022 Senate slate of their party, the Nationalist People's Coalition

Sorsogon Governor Francis “Chiz” Escudero and Antique Representative Loren Legarda have confirmed their bid to return to the Senate in 2022. 

In separate statements, Escudero and Legarda confirmed that they would be part of the senatorial slate of their party, the Nationalist People’s Coalition (NPC).

Senate President Vicente Sotto III, NPC chairman, had first said that the former senators are eyeing their Senate comeback in the 2022 polls.

“I confirm Senate President Tito Sotto’s statement that I do plan to run for the Senate.  I do plan to place my name once again in the ballot for the Senate in the hope that I will be able to do my part in helping our country recover from this pandemic after this administration,” Escudero told ANC on Tuesday, June 22. 

Legarda also confirmed her plan to return to the Senate, which she described as her “second home.”

“I confirm that, that I intend to go back to my second home which is the Senate. And I have consulted already the political leaders and the people of Antique. I’ve also consulted many of my friends and leaders of the people all over the country and even those in and out of government,” Legarda told reporters on Monday, June 21. 

Legarda believes she would be able to bring national programs closer to Antique if she’s back in the Senate.

Prior to becoming a congresswoman in 2019, Legarda served three terms in the Senate. Escudero first served as Sorsogon 1st District congressman before becoming a senator.

The NPC, one of the major political parties in the country, is already gearing up for the 2022 elections. Sotto said the NPC is exploring the “possibility” of adopting either senators Panfilo Lacson or Manny Pacquiao as standard-bearer in 2022. 

The 2022 senatorial race is also beginning to shape up as former lawmakers and reelectionists begin to express their intention to run in the polls.

Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan, president of the once-ruling Liberal Party, already said he will will seek reelection in 2022. – Rappler.com

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Mara Cepeda

Mara Cepeda specializes in stories about politics and local governance. She covers the Office of the Vice President, the Senate, and the Philippine opposition. She is a 2021 fellow of the Asia Journalism Fellowship and the Reham al-Farra Memorial Journalism Fellowship of the UN. Got tips? Email her at mara.cepeda@rappler.com or tweet @maracepeda.