LTFRB to distribute fuel subsidy starting March 15

Aika Rey

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LTFRB to distribute fuel subsidy starting March 15

A pump attendant refills vehicles of motorists in Manila on March 9, 2022. Rappler

A total of 377,443 drivers will each get P6,500 worth of fuel subsidy from the government

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine government will start distributing its promised fuel subsidy to transport workers on Tuesday, March 15.

Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Executive Director Tina Cassion confirmed this news to reporters on Friday, March 11.

Asked if the guidelines were ready, Cassion said that this would be available next week as well.

The Department of Budget and Management has already downloaded a total of P3 billion to the transport (P2.5 billion) and agricultural departments (P500 million).

The government will provide P6,500 each worth of subsidy to a total of 377,443 drivers of jeepneys, UV Express vans, mini buses, shuttle services, taxis, tricycles, and other full-time ride-hailing services,

The government is providing subsidies amid skyrocketing fuel prices, a response it saw fit rather than suspending the excise taxes imposed on fuel products. The LTFRB has yet to decide whether it would approve the requested temporary minimum fare hike to drivers.

Oil prices have gone up to almost P6 per liter on Tuesday, March 8, but another round of increases is expected on March 15. –

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Aika Rey

Aika Rey is a business reporter for Rappler. She covered the Senate of the Philippines before fully diving into numbers and companies. Got tips? Find her on Twitter at @reyaika or shoot her an email at