
COA frowns on Albay hospitals’ overcrowding as newly built facilities remain idle

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COA frowns on Albay hospitals’ overcrowding as newly built facilities remain idle

COA. The Commission on Audit on Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, on October 2, 2018.


State auditors blame poor asset management practices for the non-use of P198 million worth of new hospital facilities in Albay

MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Audit (COA) frowned upon the Albay provincial government’s asset management practices as it took notice of four new hospital buildings that remained unused long after the construction projects were completed.

Despite overcrowding in Albay’s public hospitals, the new facilities, which cost more than P198 million, have not been operational and were deteriorating even before they could serve patients, something state auditors blamed on poor planning and mismanagement.

Government auditors blamed the problem on inadequate asset management practices in violation of the Local Government Code.

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The unused facilities include the three-level Hospital Building at Ziga Memorial District Hospital (ZMDH) in Tabaco City, which cost P159.5 million. There are three others at the Josefina Belmonte Duran Albay Provincial Hospital (JBDAPH) in Ligao City: the P17.9 million Charity Ward, the P7.9-million Optical and Dental Clinic, and the P12.9-million Health Workers’ Quarters.

The COA noted four other buildings at ZMDH, constructed by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), that are ready for use but have no electricity. These buildings include the ZMDH’s new Infectious Disease Building, Employees’ Quarters, Chief of Hospital’s Quarters, and the hospital morgue.

“In summary, these facilities have been completed for years, but were not utilized immediately because they are not ready for operation. The implementation is taking too long, that the buildings and structures are already depreciating from being idle,” read part of a COA report.

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State auditors noted that the Health Workers’ Quarters at JBDAPH was completed on September 3, 2020, while the other buildings were turned over between February and November 2022.

The COA said the new buildings could have been used because the ZMDH and JBDAPH, the largest in Albay province, have been facing serious congestion problems but have continued to admit patients beyond their capacity. –

1 comment

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  1. ET

    Thanks to COA for these findings. I hope the LGU will take care of it and that Rappler will update us regularly.

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