Baguio City

Magalong pushes for P2.5-billion traffic overhaul for Baguio

Mia Magdalena Fokno

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Magalong pushes for P2.5-billion traffic overhaul for Baguio

BAGUIO MAYOR. Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong delivers a speech in Baguio City

Baguio City LGU

Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong aims to reduce the city's overreliance on private cars and enhance road safety

BAGUIO, Philippines – Baguio Mayor Benjamin Magalong is pushing for a comprehensive plan and solutions, and stirring public discussions in a bid to tackle the city’s chronic traffic woes.

The move aims to reduce overreliance on private cars and enhance road safety, drawing inspiration from successful congestion management strategies in cities like Singapore and London. 

Magalong said on Tuesday, June 11, that the local government was committed to presenting the proposed solutions for Baguio City’s traffic problems transparently, inviting public scrutiny and emphasizing the importance of community involvement.

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The proposal forms part of the Pangilinan group’s Metro Pacific Tollways Corporation’s (MPTC) Smart Urban Mobility Project, a P2.5-billion public-private partnership initiative designed to reduce traffic congestion through innovative transport technology solutions. 

The proposal comprises four interconnected solutions:

  • A modern traffic signal system that adjusts to real-time demand, prioritizing pedestrian safety
  • Centralized monitoring systems in major parking facilities to reduce the time spent searching for parking, thereby decreasing road congestion
  • Global positioning system-equipped jeepneys provide real-time arrival information via liquid crystal display screens at stops and a smart city app, with taxis, also integrated into the system
  • Mobility fees during peak hours, with potential exemptions for essential trips by residents. Public utility jeepneys, school service vehicles, and emergency response vehicles are among those likely to be exempted.

The proposed mobility fee of P250, recommended in a March 2024 study by the MPTC, is aimed to encourage 20% of Baguio’s motorists to change their travel habits, thereby easing peak-hour vehicular traffic. 

Officials said the proposed fee is part of a broader strategy to alleviate the city’s traffic issues, with MPTC continuing to engage the public and stakeholders to fine-tune the proposal to meet Baguio’s needs.

Magalong said the integrated and interdependent solutions were still a proposal. 

“We are presenting them for transparency so that people won’t be left in the dark about what we are doing. We want people to understand the project’s scope and potential benefits so they can voice their opinions to guide our next steps. We assure you that we are listening and considering your sentiments.”

Officials said a series of public consultations, including one held on June 5, adhere to the new public-private partnership law and its implementing rules and regulations and are meant to engage stakeholders even before the City Development Council and the city council evaluate the proposal. –

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