Taguig City

Taguig temporarily closes Makati park, citing permit issue


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Taguig temporarily closes Makati park, citing permit issue

Taguig City Facebook page

Taguig City says the closure of Makati Park and Garden 'is in line' with the local government code, as the park has no permits from Taguig City Hall

MANILA, Philippines – The local government of Taguig on Sunday, March 3, announced it had temporarily closed the Makati Park and Garden for operating without a permit.

“The closure is in line with the LGU’s authority under the Local Government Code, jurisprudence, and local ordinances to regulate any business, trade, or activity within the City of Taguig through issuance of a Mayor’s permit after submission of documents and payment of fees and taxes,” Taguig said in a statement.

“Makati Garden and Park has no permits from Taguig City Hall,” it stressed. 

The park, which operated under Taguig’s jurisdiction, had been used by Makati City as a “garage for its heavy equipment and storage for various objects.”

Taguig reiterated that has the “right to possess and administer the same notwithstanding Makati’s unlawful possession.”

In a statement on Sunday, the Makati government meanwhile said it received a closure order for the park for not having a business permit. It added that Taguig padlocked the park “trapping Makati employees inside.”

“Should there be violence, it will be blood on Taguig’s hands,” it added.

This was latest development from Makati-Taguig dispute that started due to a jurisdiction issue. 

In 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that the EMBO barangays are under Taguig’s jurisdiction.

These 10 barangays are the following:

  • Cembo
  • Comembo
  • Pembo
  • East Rembo
  • West Rembo
  • South Cembo
  • Pitogo
  • Post Proper Northside
  • Post Proper Southside
  • Rizal

– Rappler.com

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