
Family hurt in Cotabato province store explosion

Rommel Rebollido

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Family hurt in Cotabato province store explosion

HURT. Three family members are injured and given first aid treatment in an ambulance after a grenade exploded inside their store while they were asleep on Sunday, August 13.


Police find the safety lever of an MK2 fragmentation grenade at the site of the explosion, and an unexploded grenade outside the store

GENERAL SANTOS, Philippines – An explosion tore through a store in Kabacan town, Cotabato province, hurting a six-year-old girl and her parents on Sunday, August 13.

Police said they found the safety lever of an MK2 fragmentation grenade at the site of the explosion where 48-year-old Wadzere Salasal, his wife Norma, 50, and their young daughter were wounded.

Later, an unexploded grenade with no safety pin was found outside the store.

The family suffered shrapnel wounds and were rushed to a hospital.

The explosion happened at Sitio Lumayong, Kayaga, a crossroad along the Davao-Cotabato-Bukidnon highway on the outskirts of Kabacan.

Kabacan police chief Major Maxim Peralta said the victims were sleeping inside the store when the grenade went off past 1 am.

Peralta said investigators were still gathering more information to determine the circumstances surrounding the explosion. –

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