Maguindanao del Sur

Maguindanao del Sur mayor in murder case released on bail 

Ferdinandh Cabrera

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Maguindanao del Sur mayor in murder case released on bail 

WARRANT SERVED. Datu Salibo, Maguindanao del Sur Mayor Solaiman Sandigan (in black jacket) is brought to Cotabato City shortly after the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group served him an arrest warrant on Wednesday night, October 11.

courtesy of Kutangbato News

Datu Salibo Mayor Solaiman Sandigan is accused of involvement in the April 17 murder of a town councilor

COTABATO CITY, Philippines – A mayor in Maguindanao del Sur who was arrested in connection with a murder case a month ago was allowed to post bail on Wednesday afternoon, November 8.

The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region (CIDG-BARMM) confirmed that they released Datu Salibo Mayor Solaiman Sandigan from its detention facility in Cotabato.

Lieutenant Colonel Ariel Huesca said a regional judge in Cotabato ordered them to release Sandigan, who had been arrested and detained in the CIDG facility on October 11.

“We had to follow,” said Huesca.

Sandigan has been accused of involvement in the murder of Demson Silongan, a town councilor who was assassinated on April 17 while on his way to a Sangguniang Bayan session at the municipal government’s compound.

The incident was followed by another tragedy on August 16 when the victim’s brother, Manot Silongan, who served as the barangay chairman of Pendetin in Datu Salibo town, was killed in a bomb attack in the nearby Shariff Saydona town in Maguindanao del Sur.

Sandigan was charged, along with his son, Vice Mayor Khominie Sandigan, and several others. They strongly denied involvement in the killing. –

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