Zamboanga City

Police seize P8M worth of shabu in Zamboanga

Teofilo P. Garcia Jr.

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Police seize P8M worth of shabu in Zamboanga


Police say the drug haul, the third biggest so far in less than a month in Zamboanga, brought the total value of illegal drugs seized in the city in May alone to more than P263 million

ZAMBOANGA, Philippines – Authorities arrested a drug suspect and seized some P8.1 million worth of suspected shabu (meth) in Zamboanga City early Friday, May 24. 

It was the third biggest drug haul so far this month by authorities in Zamboanga. Police said the drug haul, the third biggest so far in less than a month, brought the total value of illegal drugs seized in Zamboanga City in May alone to more than P263 million

Police authorities identified the suspect arrested in the latest drug haul as 36-year-old Jul-Akmad Eling, 36, who has been on the watchlist of authorities.

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Brigadier General Bowenn Joey Masauding, police director in the Zamboanga Peninsula, said Eling was arrested during a buy-bust operation by operatives of the Regional Drug Enforcement Unit-IX (RDEU-IX) around 12:48 am at Upper HB Homes in Barangay Sinunuc.

Masauding said Eling was caught with 1.2 kilograms of suspected shabu worth P8.16 million, a bundle of 59 pieces of counterfeit P1,000 bills topped with genuine P1,000 bills that were used as marked money, and a sling bag.

Eling was placed under the custody of the Zamboanga City Police Office (ZCPO), while a complaint for violation of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 was being prepared against him.

On May 17, joint operatives of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) arrested Alnasher Mudah, a 42-year-old businessman, during a similar buy-bust operation along Governor Camins Road in Canelar village in Zamboanga.

Seized from Mudah were 16 kilograms of suspected shabu worth P108.8 million, which was the second biggest drug haul made by authorities in the city this month.

Some 21.4 kilos of suspected shabu worth P145.5 million were also seized from four suspects arrested on May 2 in Mampang village, also in Zamboanga. It was the biggest drug haul so far this month.

Police said another suspect also yielded over P1 million worth of suspected shabu when he was arrested during a buy-bust operation by local policemen on May 2 in Zone 1 village. –

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