Marcos Jr. administration

‘Tapos na ’yung OJT’: Marcos teases Cabinet revamp after appointment ban ends

Ralf Rivas

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‘Tapos na ’yung OJT’: Marcos teases Cabinet revamp after appointment ban ends

President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. answers questions from the media in an ambush interview after landing in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, to attend the 42nd Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit late Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Photo by

Yummie Dingding/PPA POOL

Marcos says the 'on the job training' of appointed officials is over. Certain candidates who lost in the 2022 race are likely to get posts.

LABUAN BAJO, Indonesia – Candidates who lost in last year’s elections may now be appointed to government posts after the year-long ban ended on May 9, 2023.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said that he would use this to his advantage, reorganize the current Cabinet, and tap individuals who are no longer covered by the ban.

How many losing candidates will get posts? Marcos did not specify, but said that there would be a lot.

“Marami. Talagang gagamitin mo ‘yung one year. Asahan ‘nyo ‘yun (Many. I will really use this lifting of the one-year ban. You can rely on that),” he said in an interview in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, ahead of the 42nd ASEAN summit.

Marcos added that after a year in office, his appointed officials have “finished” their “on the job training” or OJT.

“By the end of the first year, magiging maliwanag in the sense na tapos na yung OJT ng lahat ng tao. We’ve seen who performs well and who is– will be important to what we are doing. So yes, there’s really going to be…I don’t know about reshuffle, pero reorganization sa Gabinete,” Marcos said.

(By the end of the first year, it will be clear in the sense that the OJT of everyone is finished. We’ve seen who performs well and who is– will be important to what we are doing. So yes, there’s really going to be… I don’t know about reshuffle but a reogranization in the Cabinet.)

Who could they be?

Marcos has four people to choose from his senatorial lineup who did not win in the elections. 

There’s lawyer Larry Gadon, former presidential spokesperson Harry Roque, former defense secretary Gilbert Teodoro, and former Quezon City mayor Herbert Bautista. Marcos has a total of 52 names to choose from a list of losing senatorial candidates.

Marcos can also tap his former rivals to the presidency. There’s former senator Panfilo Lacson, former Manila mayor Isko Moreno, and former senator Manny Pacquiao. Former vice president Leni Robredo may now also be appointed in government, although highly unlikely under Marcos.

Candidates who lost in the vice presidential race are also eligible for posts. Cardiologist Willie Ong, whose name is floated in Viber groups as a strong pick as health secretary, can be appointed by Marcos. The Department of Health is currently led by Maria Rosario Vergerie in an acting capacity.

Marcos, who concurrently serves as agriculture secretary, can also choose an alter ego to head the Department of Agriculture amid various controversies in the agency.

Marcos Cabinet gets lowest satisfaction rating among top gov’t institutions – SWS

Marcos Cabinet gets lowest satisfaction rating among top gov’t institutions – SWS

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.