Western Visayas

Ex-SunStar Bacolod workers face allegations of estafa, theft of over P2.3M

John Sitchon

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Ex-SunStar Bacolod workers face allegations of estafa, theft of over P2.3M

NEWS GROUP. SunStar Bacolod filed qualified theft and estafa charges against its former employees before the Bacolod City Prosecutor's Office on Tuesday, April 16, in relation to overpriced transactions and tampered receipts from January to June 2023.

SunStar Bacolod Publishing Inc.

SunStar Bacolod accuses its former executives of tampering with official receipts and overpricing ad rates

CEBU, Philippines – SunStar Bacolod filed a complaint for qualified theft and estafa before the Bacolod City Prosecutor’s Office on Tuesday, April 16, against two of its marketing and business executives for allegedly costing the news group some P2.3 million in unaccounted transactions.

SunStar Bacolod lawyer Jasper Pelayo identified those being held liable by the media company as Leilanne Kho and Quinly Golez, former business manager and marketing assistant, respectively, of the newspaper. 

Pelayo told Rappler on Thursday evening, April 18, that Kho conspired with Golez in allegedly tampering with official receipts and overpricing advertisement placement rates. 

“They were caught in the act of tampering with official receipts,” he said. 

After an internal audit of transaction records, the SunStar Bacolod management alleged that the tampering occurred several times from January 2023 to June 2023. 

The media company alleged that the amount included P1.87 million worth of ads published in the newspaper without contracts and an underdeclaration of P474,351 of overpriced ads.

Pelayo said some of the advertisements that did not have contracts were paid for by government entities that supposedly required official contracts. 

Abuse of trust 

Prior to the termination of their employment on September 1, 2023, the former employees were served a notice to explain on August 2, 2023. 

In a letter of explanation and resignation dated August 4, 2023, Golez admitted that it was her idea to tamper with the receipts, according to the media company. 

In another letter, also dated August 4, 2023, Kho admitted that she agreed with Golez’s proposition and received a cut from the funds, alleged SunStar Bacolod.

The management also alleged that Golez acted as a SunStar agent and accepted advertisement materials despite being suspended in August.

“The custody of the contracts was with the business manager and marketing assistant… Through their powers, they tampered with the contracts and abused the trust of the company,” he said.

Pelayo said the acts also qualify for estafa because “the stolen funds did not enter the company’s coffers and were instead used by Golez and Kho.”

SunStar Bacolod is seeking at least P300,000 in exemplary damages from Kho and Golez.

Kho started work with SunStar Bacolod on November 18, 2013 while Golez was with the company since May 17, 2017 until their services were terminated..

Rappler repeatedly tried to call Golez and Kho on the phone for a comment but they have yet to respond. This article will be updated once their statement is received. – Rappler.com

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