public health

LOOK: Heart and Lung Care Center opens in Western Visayas

Erwin Delilan

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LOOK: Heart and Lung Care Center opens in Western Visayas

NEW REGIONAL HEALTH FACILITY. Inside the Western Visayas Medical Center Heart and Lung Care Center.


The Western Visayas Medical Center's Heart and Lung Care Center is called a 'game changer' in the delivery of premium health services to Ilonggos and Negrenses, especially those with heart and lung illnesses

BACOLOD, Philippines – Ilonggos and Negrenses who have heart and lung ailments no longer have to travel far to get treatment, with the inauguration of the government-run Western Visayas Medical Center’s (WVMC) Heart and Lung Care Center (HLCC)  in Mandurriao District in Iloilo City on Friday, April 26.

The six-story HLCC, built at a cost of P449 million, has state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

The HLCC is the result of Republic Act No. 11496 signed in November 2020. Iloilo City Representative Julienne “Jam-Jam” Baronda and Senator JV Ejercito are the main authors of the law in their respective chambers.

“The sad state of our health sector, made me embrace health as one of my core advocacies under the GUGMA (Good Urban Governance and Meaningful Advocacies) when I was elected into office by the Ilonggo people,” Baronda said in an interview with Rappler.

The construction took four years due to challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

RA 11496 provides for the expansion of WVMC, including staff augmentation and procurement of state-of-the-art medical equipment and facilities.

NEW HEALTH CENTER. The Western Visayas Medical Center (WVMC) Heart and Lung Care Center’s (HLCC) facilities. Courtesy of USWAG ILONGGO Partylist

Department of Health Western Visayas chief Adriano Suba-an hailed the HLCC as a “game changer” in the delivery of premium health services to Ilonggos and Negrenses, especially those with heart and lung illnesses.

The facility has operating theaters to facilitate better turnaround times of surgical procedures and decrease backlogs.

VWMC chief Dr. Joseph Nicolo, chief of VWMC said in a news briefing that pursuant to RA No. 11959, or the establishment of the Regional Specialty Centers outside of Metro Manila which is one of the thrusts of the Marcos administration, they are committed to establish 13 specialty centers within the WVMC compound, including the newly-inaugurated HLCC. –

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