Death hoaxes

FALSE: Kris Aquino dies in America on January 23

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FALSE: Kris Aquino dies in America on January 23
Kris Aquino is alive. She debunks the claim and calls it 'fake news' on her verified Instagram account
At a glance
  • Claim: Kris Aquino died in America on Sunday, January 23.
  • Rating: FALSE
  • The facts: Aquino is alive and has been active on social media. She debunked the claim on her verified Instagram account. There are also no official news reports of Aquino’s death.
  • Why we fact-checked this: The Facebook post containing this claim has 1,500,000 views, 22,000 reactions, 4,600 comments, and 3,100 shares, as of writing.
Complete details

A Facebook video uploaded on Sunday January 23, by Facebook page “Angel Locsin timeNews” falsely claims that actress Kris Aquino died in America on the same day.

The video is titled, “JUST IN: Kris Aquino PUMANAW NA! sa AMERICA? NGAYONG 4PM LANG (JUST IN: Kris Aquino dies in America, 4 pm today).”

Meanwhile, the thumbnail of the video says, “KRIS AQUINO BUMIGAY NA! HANGGANG SA MULI KRIS (Kris Aquino died. Until again, Kris).”

The Facebook post containing this claim has 1,500,000 views, 22,000 reactions, 4,600 comments, and 3,100 shares, as of writing.

This claim is false.

Aquino is alive, as of January 25, 2022.

On her official and verified Instagram account, Aquino debunked the claim on Monday, January 24, calling it “fake news.”

“It’s been disturbing that since Friday so many have been spreading fake news about me being either in St Luke’s BGC or the States but always with the same theme, that i’m in the ICU and in critical condition. NONE OF THAT IS TRUE,” Aquino said.

Aquino’s brother and former President of the Philippines Noynoy Aquino passed away at the age of 61 on June 24, 2021. (READ: Death of Philippine former President Noynoy Aquino)

Ayaw akong tigilan ng #fakenews and parang sobrang excited yung mga trolls na within 1 year both Noy & me would pass away. Sorry to disappoint pero buhay at ilalaban pa na mapahaba ang oras ko because kuya josh & bimb still need me,” Aquino added.

(#Fakenews won’t stop targeting me, and the trolls seem so excited that within one year both Noy and me would pass away. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m alive and I will fight to prolong my time because Josh and Bimb still need me.)

In an Instagram post on January 25, Aquino greeted her late mother, former president Corazon Aquino on what would have been her 89th birthday.

There are no official news reports of Aquino’s death as of writing either. – Owenh Toledo/

Owenh Toledo is a graduate of Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program. This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor. Learn more about Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program here.

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