
Civic leader Leonarda Navato Camacho dies

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Civic leader Leonarda Navato Camacho dies

IN MEMORIAM. Civic leader Leonardo Navato Camacho dies at 100.

Leonarda Navato Camacho's family

Narda Camacho was known for her reforestation and waste management efforts, and for advocating for the passage of he Solid Waste Management Act and Clean Air Act

MANILA, Philippines – Respected environmental advocate Leonarda Navato Camacho died at the age of 100, her family announced on Friday, December 22.

In an obituary, Narda Camacho’s family announced that she passed away on December 20. She just turned 100 years old last November 6. The family will also soon announce the details of Camacho’s wake and inurnment.

“To say that she lived a long and well-lived life is an extreme understatement. Mommy Nards was an exceptional, once-in-a-lifetime Filipina who believed in our collective power, especially that of women, to nurture the environment for generations to come,” the obituary read.

According to her family, Camacho was a pioneer in reforestation and waste management efforts through her “Linis Ganda Program.” She also advocated for the passage of the Solid Waste Management Act and Clean Air Act.

Camacho was also a key figure in the feminist movement in the Philippines – she founded the Women’s Balikatan Movement and led the National Federation of the Women’s Club of the Philippines.

The late civil advocate was a loving mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. Since she was widowed early on, she raised her children by herself. With her passing, Camacho orphaned her six children and their spouses, her 20 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren.

“From 100 years of loving and being loved, now, our Mommy Nards will be loved forever,” the obituary said. –

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