House of Representatives

House committee hearing on ethics complaint vs Alvarez to be held mid-May

Kaycee Valmonte

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House committee hearing on ethics complaint vs Alvarez to be held mid-May

LAWMAKER. Davao del Norte 1st District Representative Pantaleon Alvarez in 2023.

House press and public affairs bureau

The complaint alleges that Davao del Norte 1st District Representative Pantaleon Alvarez violated the Code of Conduct 'that amounts to disorderly behavior as a public official' as well as defying the libel and sedition provisions of the Revised Penal Code

MANILA, Philippines – The committee hearing on the ethics complaint filed against former speaker and Davao del Norte 1st District Representative Pantaleon Alvarez may be held “any day of next week” or 10 days after the notice was sent, according to Ako Bicol Representative Raul Angelo Bongalon.

“The notice has been sent to the office of Congressman Alvarez through registered mail last Friday, and also via electronic copy through the registered and official email address of Congressman Alvarez as well as his Chief of Staff,” Bongalon, who also sits as the Committee on Ethics and Privileges vice chairperson, said in a press conference on Monday, May 6.

He added that Alvarez has yet to formally respond to the allegations.

Tagum City Mayor Rey Uy filed the complaint, which the committee deemed “sufficient in form and content” when they convened virtually on May 2.

The complaint claimed that Alvarez violated the Code of Conduct “that amounts to disorderly behavior as a public official” as well as defying the libel and sedition provisions of the Revised Penal Code.

Alvarez allegedly made libelous remarks against fellow public officials from Davao del Norte.

The congressman is also being called out for his “habitual absences” from his duties at the lower chamber. This is not the first time his absence was noted – La Union 1st District Representative Paulo Ortega also said on April 15 that they “have not seen him for quite some time” in House sessions and committee deliberations.

Pangatlo (Third)… seditious appearances in statements during a public rally in Davao, wherein he is calling for the withdrawal of support of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) as well as the Philippine National Police to withdraw their support for the adminstration,” Bongalon said.

It was during a rally in Tagum last April, along with former president Rodrigo Duterte, Davao City Mayor Sebastian Duterte, and former presidential spokesman Harry Roque, that Alvarez attacked the Marcos administration.

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Days later, Alvarez apologized for his statements during the rally – particularly his call to the AFP, saying he got carried away by emotions. He said he was merely disappointed over the government’s foreign policy, especially on the West Philippine Sea.

Alvarez is among ex-president Duterte’s fiercest supporters since they rekindled their relationship. It was also Alvarez who spearheaded Duterte’s campaign for an independent Mindanao, a call which fell on deaf ears.

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The ethics complaint is also not the first time that Alvarez is facing repercussions for his actions. In a February panel discussion with Rappler, Alvarez noted that he has been removed from his office at the House of Representatives and was transferred to a much smaller room following his calls for the secession of Mindanao. –

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.