Apollo Quiboloy

Marcos to Quiboloy: ‘Just face the House and Senate hearings’


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Marcos to Quiboloy: ‘Just face the House and Senate hearings’

PHILIPPINE LEADER. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivers a departure speech as he heads to Tokyo for the Commemorative Summit on the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation in December 2023.


'We’re trying to be fair here and allowing him an opportunity and fora to make his case. So, I think he should take advantage of that,' the President says

MANILA, Philippines – President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. on Wednesday, February 28, advised doomsday preacher Apollo Quiboloy to face the congressional inquiries into the allegations of abuses against him and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) which he founded.

Marcos said this in an ambush interview prior to his departure for Australia, when asked to comment on Quiboloy’s claims that he and First Lady Liza Araneta-Marcos are conniving with the United States in a supposed plot to assassinate him.

“Well, I would just advise him that just kung mayroon naman siyang sasabihin…he has an opportunity in the hearings both in the House and in the Senate, to say his side of the story. Kaya po sinasabi niya, ‘Hindi totoo lahat ‘yan, hindi totoo, walang nangyaring ganyan,’ ‘di sabihin niya,” the President said.

(Well I would just advise him that if he has something to say…he has an opportunity in the hearings both in the House and in the Senate, to say his side of the story. That’s why he’s been saying, “That’s not true, nothing like that happened,” then he should say it there.)

Quiboloy had been subpoenaed to attend the third hearing of the Senate committee on women, children, family relations, and gender equality on March 5. Panel chairperson Senator Risa Hontiveros earlier warned Quiboloy that she would cite him in contempt and have him arrested if he would fail to appear at the March 5 hearing.

The Senate panel is investigating allegations of human trafficking, sexual abuse, violence, and other abuses against the preacher and his group.

Marcos reminded Quiboloy of the consequences of snubbing the next Senate hearing.

“Kung makapunta siya, sagutin niya lahat ng tanong, ‘di tapos na. That’s why my advice for him is to just face the questioning in the House and in the Senate. Marinig natin ang kanyang side para malaman natin kung ano ba talaga ang nangyayari dito,” he said.

(If he attends [the hearing], answer all the questions, and that’s it. That’s why my advice for him is to just face the questioning in the House and in the Senate. Let’s hear his side so that we would know what really happened here.)

“We’re trying to be fair here and allowing him an opportunity and fora to make his case. So, I think he should take advantage of that,” Marcos added.

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PRIMER: Investigations, cases against Apollo Quiboloy

PRIMER: Investigations, cases against Apollo Quiboloy

Marcos brushed aside the alleged assassination plot against Quiboloy, wondering aloud why anyone would want to kill him. “Hindi ko naiintindihan ‘yung sinasabi niya. Bakit siya i-assassinate (I can’t understand what he’s saying. Why will he be assassinated)?”

The previous week, Quiboloy, through an audio recording that circulated on social media, said he was in hiding because of a supposed plot to abduct and assassinate him. He alleged that his constitutional rights were being violated and that he and other KOJC leaders had been marked for assassination by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Quiboloy is on the FBI’s most wanted list for “his alleged participation in a labor trafficking scheme that brought church members to the United States, via fraudulently obtained visas, and forced the members to solicit donations for a bogus charity, donations that actually were used to finance church operations and the lavish lifestyles of its leaders.” (READ: Quiboloy sexually abused women, minors – ex-followers, US prosecutors) – Rappler.com

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