Office of the Ombudsman

Ombudsman lifts suspension vs NFA warehouse supervisors

Iya Gozum

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Ombudsman lifts suspension vs NFA warehouse supervisors

IMPORTS. Imported rice from Vietnam are unloaded and readied for distribution, at the NFA Warehouse in Quezon City, on September 4, 2018.

Gerard Carreon

Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel says the Ombudsman's decision will allow the NFA to reopen padlocked warehouses

MANILA, Philippines – The Office of the Ombudsman lifted the suspension order against 72 warehouse supervisors of the National Food Authority (NFA) across the country in an order dated May 10, Friday.

Last March, the Ombudsman preventively suspended 139 NFA officials and employees for selling milled rice stock to select traders without public bidding and approval from the NFA council.

The anti-graft watchdog ruled that the suspension of warehouse supervisors is “no longer necessary.”

“[T]here is insufficient ground to believe that their continued stay in office may prejudice the investigation of the case filed against them,” the order read.

Suspended officials included administrator Roderico Bioco, assistant administrator for operations John Robert Hermano, 12 regional managers, 27 branch managers, and 98 warehouse supervisors. 

Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. said in a statement on Tuesday, that the Ombudsman’s decision will allow NFA to reopen padlocked warehouses needed as supplies of palay supplies are expected to come in.

“I instructed the NFA to immediately implement the Ombudsman’s order,” he said.

According to Tiu Laurel, the DA’s own investigation will be shared with the anti-graft body once it’s completed soon.

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Iya Gozum

Iya Gozum covers the environment, agriculture, and science beats for Rappler.