Philippine National Police

WATCH: QC cop arrested after firing gun in public, now faces criminal complaints

Jairo Bolledo

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WATCH: QC cop arrested after firing gun in public, now faces criminal complaints

ARRESTED. A Quezon City cop was arrested after firing his gun in public on November 26, 2023

Screenshot from Rappler video

MANILA, Philippines — An officer of the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) was arrested after he fired his gun indiscriminately in a public space earlier this week.

In a video obtained by Rappler on Tuesday, November 28, a visibly agitated man in sando and shorts was being held down by other men along Scout Rallos Street in Diliman, Quezon City on November 26. He was identified as Police Lieutenant Colonel Mark Julio Abong of the QCPD, who fired his gun in front of a restobar.

WATCH: QC cop arrested after firing gun in public, now faces criminal complaints

QCPD chief Brigadier General Redrico Maranan confirmed Abong’s arrest in a statement. The QCPD chief said their criminal investigation and detection unit (CIDU) filed criminal complaints against the QC cop with the Quezon City prosecutor’s office on November 26.

In total, Abong now faces the following complaints:

  • Illegal discharge of firearm
  • Violation of comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act
  • Violation of the Omnibus Election Code (for gun ban until November 29 in light of the barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections)
  • Physical injury
  • Slander by deed
  • Disobedience to a person in authority

Maranan said Abong is currently detained at the QCPD’s CIDU.

Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benhur Abalos, who oversees the national police, said he condemned Abong’s acts, adding that cops who break laws “have no place in the police organization.” Abalos also called the gun-firing incident “unprovoked,” noting that the cop’s action showed abuse of power and authority.

Aside from a probe, the DILG chief said he also ordered a comprehensive background check on Abong’s current status at the Philippine National Police (PNP). On top of the criminal complaints, an administrative complaint was also referred to the PNP’s Internal Affairs Service (IAS), Abalos added. The PNP IAS conducts probe into allegations against erring cops and recommend sanctions accordingly.

Abong was already relieved from his post in August 2022 as the chief of the QCPD CIDU after he was involved in a hit-and-run incident. The QC People’s Law Enforcement Board found him guilty of grave misconduct, grave neglect of duty, and conduct unbecoming of a police officer with the aggravating circumstance of employment of fraudulent means to conceal an offense, and was ordered dismissed in March this year.

However, the QC cop has yet to be officially dismissed from the police service because he has a pending appeal, the PNP said. —

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Jairo Bolledo

Jairo Bolledo is a multimedia reporter at Rappler covering justice, police, and crime.