space exploration

Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy reschedules moon rocket launch for September 7


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Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy reschedules moon rocket launch for September 7

DELAYED LAUNCH. H-IIA launch vehicle number 47 is seen on the launching pad at Tanegashima Space Center on the southwestern island of Tanegashima, Japan in this photo taken by Kyodo on August 28, 2023.

Kyodo/via Reuters

The H-IIA rocket carrying a moon lander is scheduled to take of from the Tanegashima Space Center on September 7, with a launch window open until September 15

TOKYO, Japan – Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries said on Monday, September 4, it planned to launch its H-IIA rocket carrying a moon lander on Thursday morning, after unfavorable wind conditions led to a postponement last month.

The rocket is scheduled to take off from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan at 8:42 am JST (Wednesday 2342 GMT), with a launch window open until September 15, the company said.

The new schedule was announced a week after the previous launch attempt, which would have carried Japan’s first spacecraft to land on the moon, was suspended because of high winds.

H-IIA, jointly developed by JAXA and MHI, has been Japan’s flagship space launch vehicle, with 45 successful launches in 46 tries since 2001. After JAXA’s new medium-lift H3 rocket failed on its debut in March, the agency postponed the launch of H-IIA No. 47 for several months to investigate the cause.

Hoping to help accelerate Japan’s aerospace development initiatives, Japan may subsidize JAXA with about 10 billion yen ($68.4 million) in fiscal 2024, the Yomiuri newspaper reported on Monday.

JAXA will use this subsidy to pay companies and universities involved in the development of satellites, rockets, and lunar-exploration technologies, the report said. –

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