Asian basketball

Gilas Girls sweep SEABA qualifiers with 36-point romp of Indonesia

Martin Mendoza

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Gilas Girls sweep SEABA qualifiers with 36-point romp of Indonesia

DOMINANT. The Gilas Girls celebrate their triumph in the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup 2024 SEABA Qualifiers.


Although already assured of a spot in the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup Division B next month, Gilas Girls show no signs of letup and complete a 3-0 sweep of the SEABA U18 Qualifiers

MANILA, Philippines – Gilas Girls closed out the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup 2024 SEABA Qualifiers with another resounding 73-37 win over erstwhile unbeaten Indonesia to complete a 3-0 sweep of the tournament on Sunday, May 26, at the Ratchaburi Gymnasium in Thailand.

Despite already being assured of a spot in the FIBA U18 Women’s Asia Cup Division B in Shenzhen, China next month following its 103-58 annihilation of Thailand last Friday, May 24, the Philippines showed no signs of letup, finishing the tournament with an average winning margin of 37.6 points.

Margarett Villanueva showed the way for Gilas Girls with a game-high 13 points on 5-of-9 shooting, together with 10 rebounds.

Tiffany Reyes added 9 points, while Aubrey Lapasaran and Gabby Ramos – who sizzled for 29 points in the Philippines’ 100-68 drubbing of Malaysia on Saturday, May 25 – chipped in 8 markers apiece. 

After a slow start to the game, where they trailed, 10-11, late in the opening period, Gilas Girls turned things around in the second quarter and outscored Indonesia, 23-11, for a 37-22 cushion at halftime. 

A basket by Indonesia’s Putu Setiawan in the opening seconds of the third frame pulled them within 13 points, but that was the closest they could get in the second half as the Philippines even pushed its lead to as many as 43, 70-27, off a layup by Villanueva with 4:11 left in the contest.  

Ava Fajardo, Ashlyn Abong, and Margarette Duenas all contributed 7 points each, while Naomi Panganiban had 6 markers for Gilas Girls, who are coached by Julie Amos.

For Indonesia, Ratu Poedjakesuma topscored with 10 points, followed by Joanne Giovanni’s 9. 

The Scores

Philippines 73 – Villanueva 13, Reyes 9, Lapasaran 8, Ramos 8, Fajardo 7, Abong 7, Duenas 7, Panganiban 6, Canindo 4, Rodriguez 2, Impreso 2, Quinte 0. 

Indonesia 37 – Poedjakesuma 10, Giovanni 9, Setiawan 7, Triutari 3, Putri 2, Krisabella 2, Koesnadi 2, Sasongko 1, Hadinoto 1, Colin 0, Utomo 0, Mahanani 0. 

Quarters: 14-11, 37-22, 53-26, 73-37. 


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