PBA Commissioner’s Cup

TNT terminates Mikey Williams’ contract after standoff

Delfin Dioquino

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TNT terminates Mikey Williams’ contract after standoff

STAR. Mikey Williams in action for the TNT Tropang Giga in the 2023 PBA Governors' Cup.

PBA Images

TNT interim coach and team manager Jojo Lastimosa says there is 'no further move at this point' regarding Mikey Williams after the team terminated the contract of the star guard

MANILA, Philippines – TNT terminated star guard Mikey Williams’ contract after negotiations for a new deal fell through.

Tropang Giga interim coach Jojo Lastimosa confirmed the development on Sunday, November 12, as Williams remained in the United States, missing the start of the 48th PBA season.

Lastimosa, who is also the concurrent team manager, left the contract talks to senior consultant Chot Reyes and TNT governor Ricky Vargas, but the team seemed to have had enough of Williams.

“According to Chot and Mr. Vargas, yes it has been terminated and no further move at this point,” said Lastimosa.

The fourth overall pick two years ago, Williams also figured in a month-long contract stalemate with the Tropang Giga last year after a stellar rookie season that saw him lead TNT to a title and finish runner-up in the MVP race.

He eventually signed a three-year extension and steered the Tropang Giga to the season-ending Governors’ Cup crown, picking up his second PBA championship and second Finals MVP plum.

Williams prompted a negotiation for a fresh deal at the end of last season, but that decision backfired as TNT terminated his contract.

The Tropang Giga still holds Williams’ rights, meaning he cannot sign with another PBA team.

In his short stay with TNT, Williams established himself as one of the best players in the league, winning the scoring title and the Rookie of the Year plum, and earning a First Mythical Team selection in his first season.

He averaged 18.4 points on top of 4.1 assists and 3.9 rebounds last season to claim a spot in the Second Mythical Team. – Rappler.com

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Delfin Dioquino

Delfin Dioquino dreamt of being a PBA player, but he did not have the skills to make it. So he pursued the next best thing to being an athlete – to write about them. He took up journalism at the University of Santo Tomas and joined Rappler as soon as he graduated in 2017.