ASEAN Basketball League

ABL set for return with Invitational Tournament Series 2023

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ABL set for return with Invitational Tournament Series 2023

COMEBACK. Some of the region’s top teams take centerstage again in the ABL.


The Southeast Asian basketball spectacle tips off in January 2023

MANILA, Philippines – The Asean Basketball League (ABL) returns after a three-year lull.

The Southeast Asian basketball spectacle gets back into action with its 11th season through the Invitational Tournament Series 2023. 

Featuring some of the best squads around the region, teams go for a mad dash for glory in the three-month tournament set to tip off on January 2, 2023.

The league will then take a break in February to give way to the international window for men’s basketball before the playoffs and the finals take place in early March.

Even as the leagues around the region have grown along with the progression of the ABL over the years since its foundation in 2009, the Invitational remains consistent to the league’s commitment to maintain a strong presence as a developmental platform for all the teams involved.

ABL chief operating officer Kuhan Foo is pleased with the return of the first-ever regional basketball league in Asia, noting that the move is a huge step forward in sustaining the growth of the sport in the region over the past 10 years.

“After the COVID-19 pandemic put everything to a halt, the return of the ABL is a huge step towards the right direction as we hope to give our fans the sense of normalcy while we continue to recover from the after-effects of the pandemic,” said Foo.

“We are excited to welcome our teams, our players and our fans back in our bid to further foster the growth of basketball across the region,” he added, stressing the role of the league to the vast improvements of countries like Singapore and Vietnam, which finally won historic medals in the Southeast Asian Games with the former winning in 2013 and 2015 while the latter bagging one in 2019. –

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