Philippine volleyball

National team debutant La Salle trio gushes over Jia de Guzman inclusion in AVC roster

Philip Matel

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National team debutant La Salle trio gushes over Jia de Guzman inclusion in AVC roster

DREAM PAIR. Creamline's Jia de Guzman and La Salle's Angel Canino react.

PVL Images, UAAP Season 86 Media Team

La Salle stars Angel Canino, Julia Coronel, and Thea Gagate – all making their Philippine women's volleyball team debuts – relish the idea of playing alongside superstar setter Jia de Guzman in the AVC Challenge Cup

MANILA, Philippines – The La Salle trio of Thea Gagate, Angel Canino, and Julia Coronel raved about playing with the Philippines’ premier playmaker, Jia de Guzman, in the upcoming Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC) Championship from May 22 to 29.

All three will make their seniors’ team debut for the newly-christened Alas Pilipinas in the tournament hosted by the Philippine National Volleyball Federation (PNVF) at Rizal Memorial Coliseum.

“I’m really looking forward to having Ate Jia because I saw her set the ball, her game is so beautiful,” Canino told reporters in Filipino on Wednesday, May 15.

“She has a great connection with each and every one inside, you can see her maturity and her leadership, and I’m looking forward to that,” she added.

De Guzman recently came home from a triumphant stint with the Denso Airybees in the Japan V. League Division 1, confirming her commitment with Alas not soon after.

She will also join other players such as Dell Palomata, Sisi Rondina, Cherry Nunag, Vanie Gandler, Dawn Macandili-Catindig, Eya Laure, and Jen Nierva.

Also included in the pool are Casiey Dongallo, Alyssa Solomon, and Bella Belen, pending results of the UAAP Season 86 women’s volleyball finals.

“For me, this has really been a dream of mine ever since, so I was elated when I heard that I’ll get to be part of this pool or the lineup, so for me, I want to work hard for it, and get as much experience as I can since that’s my big goal for myself,” said Coronel.

“I’m really looking forward to be playing with Ate Jia since we also came from the same high school and coach, and I’m really looking forward to learn a lot about technique and whatnot,” the Colegio San Agustin alumna said.

Gagate, who was named as the UAAP’s best middle blocker for the third consecutive season, is excited about the prospect of those passes by the setter.

“I’m excited for her to be a setter in our team, I feel pressure, but it’s fulfilling, it’s a nice experience,” remarked Gagate. –

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Star-studded squad: Angel Canino, Jia de Guzman, Sisi Rondina banner AVC roster

Star-studded squad: Angel Canino, Jia de Guzman, Sisi Rondina banner AVC roster

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