divorce in the Philippines

Opposition bets say it’s time for divorce law in Philippines | Midday wRap


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Opposition bets say it’s time for divorce law in Philippines | Midday wRap
Watch Rappler’s Midday newscast with Chito dela Vega
Today on Rappler:
  • Three senatorial candidates from the opposition slate say it’s time for the Philippines to pass a divorce law.
  • The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines or NUJP says PhilStar.com’s decision to take down its 2002 article on businessman Wilfredo Keng proves that government’s ‘twisting the law’ has a chilling effect on media.
  • The Supreme Court or SC says the Philippine Postal Corporation or PHLPost did not violate the 1987 Constitution when it printed and sold 1.2 million postage stamps for the 100th anniversary of the Iglesia ni Cristo or INC in 2014.

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