aviation accidents

11 injured in Cathay Pacific flight incident in Hong Kong


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11 injured in Cathay Pacific flight incident in Hong Kong

CATHAY PACIFIC. A sign of Cathay Pacific is seen at its headquarters Cathay City in Hong Kong, October 21, 2020.

Lam Yik/Reuters

(1st UPDATE) The flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles was carrying 17 crew and 293 passengers

HONG KONG – Eleven people were injured on Cathay Pacific’s flight CX880 at Hong Kong’s international airport early on Saturday, June 24, after the carrier aborted takeoff due to a technical issue, Cathay said in a statement.

The flight from Hong Kong to Los Angeles was carrying 17 crew and 293 passengers. It performed “an aborted takeoff in accordance with standard procedures after a technical issue was detected by the crew.”

The injuries occurred during a precautionary evacuation back at the gate, when passengers exited the aircraft using five door escape slides, Cathay said.

“Nine of the eleven passengers who received treatment at hospitals have been discharged,” it said. “Our colleagues will continue to provide support to the two hospitalised passengers and their families.”

Cathay said it sincerely apologized for the disruption to customers.

One of the plane’s tires overheated causing it to burst, public broadcaster RTHK reported, citing police. – Rappler.com

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