
Russia puts Meta’s spokesperson on wanted list – state media

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Russia puts Meta’s spokesperson on wanted list – state media

META. The logo of Meta Platforms' business group is seen in Brussels, Belgium, December 6, 2022

Yves Herman/Reuters

State media says the Russian Interior Ministry had opened a criminal investigation against Meta's Andy Stone but the ministry had not disclosed the details of its investigation

MOSCOW, Russia – Russia has put Meta Platforms’ spokesperson Andy Stone on a wanted list on unspecified charges, state-run TASS news agency reported on Sunday, November 26.

TASS said the Russian Interior Ministry had opened a criminal investigation against Stone but that the ministry had not disclosed the details of the investigation or charges.

Meta’s main social platforms – Facebook and Instagram – were both banned in Russia shortly after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine in February last year.

In March 2022, the Russian investigative committee said it has opened criminal investigation against the “illegal actions of Meta’s employees” and mentioned Stone, saying he had “lifted a ban on calls for violence against the Russian military on its platforms” and was thus inciting extremist activity.

Meta’s press office did not immediately respond to a Reuters request seeking comment from Stone and Meta out of normal business hours. –

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