UAAP Board overturns Badolato’s FEU-NU decision

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The Tamaraws and Bulldogs are set to meet again on September 23 because of controversy surrounding their last game

Garcia's basket doesn't count after all, the UAAP Board decided. Photo by Josh Albelda.

MANILA, Philippines – The University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP) Board on Friday, September 7, overturned UAAP basketball commission Ato Badolato’s decision to uphold Far Eastern University (FEU)’s controversial 77-75 win over National University (NU).

The decision means FEU will lose a ‘win’ in its record, while NU will have one loss removed off its record — as if the game never happened.

Rumors about the Board’s decision circulated on Twitter Friday afternoon. FEU athletics director Mark Molina confirmed the rumors via Twitter. 


The Tamaraws and Bulldogs are set to meet again on September 23 (Sunday), according to Molina, to settle the issue once and for all. 

On September 2, the Tamaraws won over the Bulldogs with a last-minute shot by RR Garcia. Court officials ruled that Garcia’s shot counted, since he managed to release the ball with a tenth of a second left in the game.

NU filed a protest the day after the loss, which was denied by Badolato two days after.

As of September 7, FEU stands at 7-3, placing them at solo 3rd in the league. NU, meanwhile, is at 5th with a 6-4 record.

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