
DITO celebrates first year with breakthrough features DITO Advance Pay and DITO Auto Pay


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DITO celebrates first year with breakthrough features DITO Advance Pay and DITO Auto Pay
Five new DITO Level-Up Packs have also been launched

Editor’s note: This content is sponsored by DITO Telecommunity and was produced by BrandRap, the sales and marketing arm of Rappler. No member of the news and editorial team participated in the production of this piece.

How did DITO Telecommunity fare in its first year as a major player in the telco industry? 

Chief Commercial Officer Evelyn Jimenez summed it up: “In just one year, we put up more than 4,100 towers, we commercially launched in more than 500 cities and municipalities nationwide, we achieved more than 83k sales touchpoints, including 16 DITO Experience Stores and most important of all, we have more than 7 million active subscribers.”

These feats are definitely not bad at all, for a company that has decided to launch and boldly challenge the longstanding duopoly – amid a vicious pandemic and the unpredictable market conditions that came with it. 

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And they’re just getting started; at its recent anniversary press conference, DITO Telecommunity rolled out two new innovative features to further enhance their customers’ experience: DITO Advance Pay and DITO Auto Pay

With DITO Advance Pay, DITO subscribers can now choose to pay, and receive a mobile promo package 3, 6, or 12 months in advance; while getting substantial discounts for it.  This feature would give them full control on when and where they would like to consume their data, calls and texts, as long as it’s within their chosen subscription. This could translate to as much as 40% (or P4,795) savings. Data consumption is also unbelievably affordable at P4.61 per GB for a total data allowance of 1,560 GB.

“With DITO Advance Pay, subscribers can already be connected for one year with almost 100GB of data as low as a 700-Peso investment. Even postpaid customers out there can try our best value deal, imagine the savings you will get vs your current plan,” Jimenez explained.

DITO Auto Pay, on the other hand, makes registration worry-free by auto-renewing users’ chosen promo package. Whenever subscribers near their data cap or package expiration, a renewal notification will be sent. This feature also promises as much as 10 GB worth of free bonus data. 

To learn more about the full mechanics of DITO Auto Pay and DITO Advance Pay and how you could use them to avail yourself of many discounts and bonus data, check this link https://dito.ph/level-up-promos

These offerings are available exclusively through the new DITO Level-Up Packs, an expansive line-up of five flexible data-call-text combo offers:

Each of these packs are valid for 30 days and come with unlimited DITO-to-DITO calls, unlimited SMS to all networks, and 300 minutes of calls to other networks. They also have generous data allocations, with rollover features for maximum savings.

One Na Tayo DITO!

“Through trials and tribulations, we have survived our first year. In fact, we have more than survived, we have thrived despite the pandemic, despite those who said what we were trying to do was impossible, despite the many uncertainties. AnDITO na tayo. (We are here),” said CEO Dennis Uy.

This bold stance was echoed by other DITO executives, whose commitment remained unwavering.

To prove that their subscribers, fondly dubbed as DITOzens, have more to look forward to, Chief Technology Officer Retired Major General Rodolfo Santiago announced that by July 2022, DITO will already have reached 70% national coverage, as part of its third year commitment. This means that DITO can already now go head-to-head against the two other major telcos.  

“DITO truly has come a long, long way since July of 2019 and since our commercial launch last year.  The rate of our roll out has been outstanding, faster than any other local telco, even with the pandemic,” Santiago said.

Additionally, Jimenez trumpeted the launch of the DITO 5G Home Wi-Fi in select Metro Manila areas. The broadband service comes with a “next-generation” 5G modem, as much as 500 mbps download speed, and 30-day 50 GB all-access data, among other generous features.

Simply put, all of these achievements – and more – only point to one thing;  that DITO Telecommunity is here to stay and remains steadfast in its ambition to provide a new, improved mobile experience to all Filipinos.

For more details on DITO Auto Pay, DITO Advance Pay, and the new DITO Level-Up packs, read them here. Other updates, offers, and promos are found on DITO’s Facebook page and official website. – Rappler.com

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DITO Telecommunity

DITO Telecommunity Corporation is the newest major telecommunications provider in the Philippines granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity by the National Telecommunications Commission in July of 2019. We are proud to be a Filipino company with strong connections to multinational giants that include Udenna Corporation, Chelsea Logistics Holdings, Inc., and China Telecommunications.