
Fresh hair grad: What I learned from the Cream Silk Hair Institute

Saab Lariosa

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Fresh hair grad: What I learned from the Cream Silk Hair Institute
Time to use conditioners daily and treatments weekly

What does it mean to have “ultimately beautiful” hair? I know I’m not alone when I say I’ve tried countless products and routines through the years, going through different phases to achieve the hair that feels right for me.

But what if there was a place where we could learn the secrets to unlocking the full potential of our locks? Where we can unlearn and relearn what it means to have “perfect” hair? Enter the Cream Silk Hair Institute, a new platform that promises to change how we care for our hair.

Held at Blue Leaf Cosmopolitan last May 3, Cream Silk celebrated their 40th year of hair expertise by showcasing a new era of hair care education. Cream Silk has long been a staple in changing how Filipinas treat their hair, from being the first brand to introduce conditioners in the Philippines to now having all of their variant innovations such as Vitamin Boost Conditioners, Triple Keratin Conditioners, and Salon Expert Treatments, among many others.

The event kicked off with a dive into the science of hair care. We learned about the importance of using the right products for our specific hair type and how proper conditioning can make all the difference in achieving silkier hair strands. But perhaps the most eye-opening discovery was the right way to both conditioners and hair treatments.

Like many others, I used to think that using shampoo would be enough, and so I wouldn’t use conditioner regularly. I also saw treatments as something for special occasions or when my hair was in desperate need of care. But the experts of the Cream Silk Hair Institute emphasized the importance of using conditioners daily and incorporating treatments into our weekly hair care routine. After all, our hair needs daily nourishment and weekly intense treatment.

“For hair care, like skin care, we can break it down in three easy steps,” shared Cream Silk’s research and development manager, Nesty Tumbaga. “You need to clean your hair with shampoo, then you condition your hair every after cleansing, and then you do treatments weekly as a third step.”

In particular, Nesty recommended Cream Silk’s Vitamin Boost and Triple Keratin conditioners as the daily conditioners to use, which work best with their Salon Expert line for weekly use that has nourishing actives that Filipinas need to fully address hair damage.

A talk with hair care experts

Another highlight of the event was getting to talk to Cream Silk’s Beauty Board members, Dr. Dolah Sanchez and Dr. Lyien Ho, about their own hair care tips for my bleached hair.

“Sadly, we think we have to resort to cutting our hair when we feel our hair is too damaged after bleaching,” Dr. Ho said. “But we can use keratin treatments on the ends of our hair once a week, make sure to only shampoo the scalp, and use a conditioner every day from mid to ends.” She also advises to keep using purple shampoo to make the hair color brighter, but only keep it to once a week.

They both also emphasized the importance of knowing the difference between daily conditioners and weekly treatments.

Dr. Sanchez shared that “the purpose of conditioners is different than hair treatment. The ingredients in conditioners are not as strong compared to treatments that have higher active ingredient concentrations. That’s why it’s better to increase your conditioner use to ensure your hair gets proper nourishment and lessen your treatment use from every day to the expert-recommended once a week because it might weigh down your hair.”

The insights didn’t stop there. Throughout the event, guests were treated to firsthand tutorials on how to properly care for their hair, their way. From understanding the role of different products to learning their suggested regimen, each session left attendees feeling more empowered and informed.

At the end of the day, the Cream Silk Hair Institute proves that healthy hair looks different for everyone, and each regimen works better when it’s specifically catered for you. 

While there’s no such thing as always having “perfect” hair, we can keep ours ultimately beautiful with Cream Silk, a name that’s been alongside Filipinas’ hair care journey for 40 years and counting. – Rappler.com

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Cream Silk

As the Philippines' most trusted conditioner brand, Cream Silk inspires women all over the country to bring out their hair's full beauty potential.