
Going somewhere with the fam? All-New Toyota Avanza is all decked out

Jaco Joves

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Going somewhere with the fam? All-New Toyota Avanza is all decked out

Randy Silva-Netto

This new model will let you do and move more

Editor’s note: This content is sponsored by Toyota Motor Philippines and was produced by BrandRap, the sales and marketing arm of Rappler. No member of the news and editorial team participated in the production of this piece.

As each day passes, owning a car seems like the more practical – not to mention, attractive – option for our busy yet adventure-seeking selves.

Whether it’s for refilling our pantry stock, picking up a relative from the airport, or a brief out-of-town breather, we all want to reach destinations and tick off to-do lists as smoothly as possible. And having a trusted multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) at the entire fambam’s disposal is our best bet in accomplishing all of these.

How about considering the All-New Toyota Avanza? The Japanese mobility leader brings one of their beloved models to a new era through a much-anticipated overhaul – bolder exterior, versatile interiors, and enhanced safety features, to mention a few. For both first-time owners and those who are looking to upgrade, this is a guaranteed steal.

Fit for the fam

The 2022 version of the Avanza was primarily designed with the family in mind. Though all iterations traditionally include 7 seats, a long sofa mode is now available by collapsing the second row with the third-row seats to form – you’ve guessed it – a sofa with a long seat cushion. Perfect for resting and chilling in between long drives!

SOFA MODE. Create more moments inside, even during quick stops.

The adjustability of these seats can also give way to more luggage and shopping space. Spending a long weekend in Baguio? Copping out new kitchenware from the home depot? There’s no need to trim down because all of your hauls can fit inside the compact Avanza.

Must Read

Toyota Motor Philippines introduces 2022 model of Toyota Avanza

Toyota Motor Philippines introduces 2022 model of Toyota Avanza

Having a road trip in 2022 isn’t possible without smartphones and other gadgets. (Don’t even deny it.) Much of our entertainment now depends on these, so you’ll be glad to know that the All-New Avanza’s G and E variants come with an 8” audio display that supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity. USB ports are also available to make sure that no device runs out of juice – and those hypnotic nursery rhymes, for the young ones!

MUSIC IS LIFE. Hook your Spotify playlist up for some fam car-aoke!
Fit for the budget

Hearing about rising gas prices can be grating, but thankfully, the 2022 Avanza is built to address this concern. The G and E variants are equipped with continuously variable transmission (CVT), which requires less fuel consumption because the vehicle would dwell on “lower and steadier revs.” This means that you can quickly bring the fam wherever – without worrying about frequently stopping by to refuel.

Toyota has also made sure that minute conveniences were tucked in so you can focus more on having a great bonding time. A front-wheel drive, push start button, and vehicle stability control features, among others, complement fuel-conscious use with ease, safety, and peak performance. A bang for your buck, truly.

START TRIP? The All-New Avanza is all about efficiency from the get-go.

The All-New Avanza has a bolder and sleeker look – anchored by its new grille and angular design, with 4 variants and 5 colors to choose from. The price also ranges from P813,000 to P1,039,000 SRP per variant, so whichever you choose, there will always be an Avanza that fits your fam’s needs. If you’re up for this all-around machine, visit your nearest dealership and start planning more enjoyable and productive rides with friends and family. Pa-carpool kami, ha?

Curious? Visit https://toyota.com.ph/avanza for more details. – Rappler.com

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